Below are links to historic texts of the German and Dutch Communist Lefts (Council Communists) and historical or analytical writings on their movement. The term "German/Dutch Left" here means the specific Left Communist current originating in that part of Northern Europe, and not just the work of individuals of those two nationalities.
See the introduction to the Antagonism Press pamphlet Bordiga versus Pannekoek, published October 2001 for a discussion of the German/Dutch and Italian Lefts
Reform and Revolution section from "Marxism: Last Refuge of the Bourgeoisie?"
1. Introduction
2. Capitalism and Socialism
3. Reform and Revolution
4. Limits of Reform
5. Lenin's Revolution
6. The Idea of the Commune
7. State and Counter-Revolution
8. The German Revolution
9. Ideology and Class Consciousness
Capitalism or Communism for Russia? - Workers'
Dreadnought, 31 May 1924
What is behind the label? A plea for clearness -
Workers' Dreadnought, 3 November 1923
Women members of Parliament - Workers' Dreadnought,
15 December 1923
The truth about the Fascisti
- Workers' Dreadnought, 4 November 1922
To Lenin, ... - Workers' Dreadnought, 4 November
Our Point of View - Workers' Dreadnought, 24 September
Freedom of discussion - Workers' Dreadnought, 17
September 1921
Soviet Russia as I saw it
in 1920: the Congress in the Kremlin - Workers' Dreadnought, 16 April 1921
housekeeping - Workers' Dreadnought, 28 August 1920
Towards a Communist party - Workers' Dreadnought,
21 February 1920
A constitution for British soviets. Points for a communist
programme - Workers' Dreadnought, 19 June 1920
You are called to the war - The Workers' Dreadnought,
19 April 1919
Look to the future - The Workers' dreadnought, 16
February 1918
The election - The Workers' Dreadnought, 14 December
The Lenin revolution: what it means to democracy
- The Workers' Dreadnought, 17 November 1917
versus Reforms
The Future Society
The Function of Intellectuals in Society and
Their Task in the Proletarian Revolution - F. W. Seiwert and F. Pfemfert
On Proletarian Culture - A. R.
The 1920 Programme of the KAPD
and again, prefaced by the
A life for
the Revolution ! or A Brief Autobiography of a Proletarian Revolutionary by
Jan Appel
The Wilhelmshaven
Revolt - Ikarus (Ernst Schneider)
Fundamental Principles
of Communist Production and Distribution - Group of International Communists
(GIK) 1930
In The Freest State In The World - Ret Marut (B.Traven)
Collective Action Notes
For Communism
"Left Wing" Communism - an infantile disorder?